Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Mars vs. Venus

Why is it that when it comes to a girls feelings and a boys feelings we are on totally different pages most of the time!? Girls and boys have such a different view when it comes to feelings! Even if the feelings involved are the SAME freaking thing!!! There is always this twisted, complicated, hazy maze we have to go through to reach the same conclusion. Does that even make sense? UGH! Sometimes I just get so frustrated. Its like just because I'm a girl, and my feelings are mainly run by my emotions, sometimes I'm looked at as being "crazy" or "unstable" because I cry when my feelings get hurt, or if I'm frustrated, or sometimes for no apparent reason at all. Now, I'm not trying to bash on boys. I'm just simply trying to say that it's frustrating!!! Trust me, if I could make myself not cry I would do it in a second. Crying makes me feel weak and I hate that about myself!

I realize this probably doesn't make any sense. But then again... I am just a girl, right? An over-emotional girl who doesn't make any sense and cries too much. What more would you expect?

I'm just venting.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pictures of my Kidlets

My little sister took some new pictures of my kids over the weekend. They turned out amazing and I absolutely LOVE them! It's so sad how fast they grow up. It seems like they look completely different than the last time we had their pictures taken. I wish they could stay little forever!!!

Me with my sweet babies.

Elliot looking sweet

Handsome Ethan

Emma looks so grown!

All of my kiddos... even the hairy one Lucy

Ethan lounging in the grass

Elliot's cute grin

Sweet kisses

Emma, Elliot, and Ethan

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Something To Look Forward To

Nick and I are going to see Secondhand Serenade next weekend! (OK, so I'm going and I'm dragging Nick along with me lol.) I am really excited! Besides Secondhand Serenade there will be four other bands playing too. (My American Heart, PlayRadioPlay, The Graduate, and Rookie of the Year) It should be a lot of fun! I think we are going to rent a hotel room for the night so we don't have to drive home so late. All three kids are staying the night at Grandma's so we will get a WHOLE night together without kids!!! YAY! I am SO looking forward to it. It's been too long since we have been able to have a night away.

Also... the Show Me The Money Bus Tour launches this Saturday! I am super excited about that too! Things are finally rolling along. :) Soon I'll be making some extra money so I can start to pay off some of our debt! It's going to feel so good!!

I worked 9 hours today, and I've been up since 4:30 am! Time to bum out in front of the TV for a while. Later.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Is it bed time yet?

Boy what a day! I am BEAT! I know I only work twice a week, but Thursdays and Fridays are killing me! There has been so much to do at work lately that I come home feeling totally exhausted! I don't know how my Mom does this job full time! Two days a week is more than I can handle sometimes. My friend Sammi started working with us this week. She is going to be working full time with my mom! Poor girl. It's fun to get to work with her tho. At least now I'm not the only one with a butt crack showing while I'm on the floor trying to reach for things on the bottom shelf! Hahaha.

Emma and Elliot have been running fevers the past couple of days. My poor babies! Emma said her throat hurts, and Elliot just wants to be held and cuddled 24/7. I tried asking him if he's sick he just shakes his head, covers his ears, then hides his hot face in my neck. He doesn't like when I take his temperature in his ear. He's making me sweat!!! Maybe I'll get lucky and kids will all be in bed early tonight. Hey, I can dream, can't I?

OK, well I've got to get off this computer before I fall asleep. I need to go do something productive to help keep me awake! I'll write again soon.