Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Patience is a virtue

"You can learn many things from children. How much patience you have, for instance." -Franklin P. Jones

I have little patience. I'm not proud of it, but it's true. I wasn't always this way. I use to have lots of patience. Whether it be standing in line at the grocery store behind a sweet little old lady who is slowly counting out every little nickel and dime to the cashier, or at home when my 2-year old is throwing a fit because I won't let him eat chips and gum for breakfast. It use to not faze me at all. Now, though, I find myself wanting to tell the stupid little old lady to quit counting her damn penny's and just swipe her card like every other normal person in the world, and throwing a tantrum even bigger than my 2-year old is just because I can't stand drama in the morning before I've at least had two cups of coffee!!! I'm not sure when this change happened and when I lost all my patience. Maybe it was when my sweet 2-year old suddenly turned into a know-it-all 8-year old and now has all of his own opinions and ideas. But isn't that what kids are supposed to do when they grow up? Don't we want them to have their own opinions and ideas? Well, I'm starting to think that this parenting thing isn't so easy after all.

I really want to try to be more patient. Especially with my kids. After all, they watch me closely and I need to be a good example right? I don't want to be the one responsible when my 4-year old tells the sweet little old lady in grocery store line to "move it or lose it".


Anonymous said...

awww. Well I'd like to be better to. Some days are better than others!
I love you! You are a great mama dont stress!

sammi said...

You know you have days like that but as soon as they do something cute or they just want to show their love you figure its all worth it. In the end no matter how much your kids bother you or the lady at the grocery store I think you can say you are happy with your life. I do have to say you may think you dont have alot of patience but you have three kids so you have to have more then just a little patience weather it seems like you do or not.

Julia said...

I think the most important thing to remember is patience is learned and something that must be practiced (not the word I'm looking for, but it'll work). I know for me, I have to work at it everyday because it's not like riding a bike, you can't just hop on and remember how to ride it. Take it day by day and do the best that you can, that's all we can do. Although, chips are the breakfast of champions...oh wait, that's Wheaties. :)