Saturday, December 1, 2007


I am one lucky bitch. I've got a bunch of great friends. They are all a bunch of weirdo's but I love them just the same. I can confide in them, cry to them, and laugh with them. I was worried that when we moved from a comfortable place, to a totally unknown land, that we would have trouble finding friends who would just "get us". Well, we've done pretty well, and I love our friends, no matter how sarcastic they are. We don't agree on every aspect of life, but we get along anyway.

So, my whole point is..... I love my friends. You are the best!


sammi said...

thanx for the comment amie we love you guys too I'm glad we found yall when we moved here too. We have had a lot of great times and hopefully many more to come.

Anonymous said...

awwww. We're just as lucky to have you!

~M said...

do I count even tho I moved away?

Amie said...

Of course you count Michelle! I love you too!