It was so dang HOT today! I think was around 80 degrees. Sheesh. So much for my nice, cool, fall weather. That didn't last long. I want it to be in the low 70's upper 60's!!! I took the kids to the park today and sweat my dang butt off! Poor Elliot's cheeks were bright red and he had sweat beads on his nose. I finally just took his shirt off and got his hair wet in the drinking fountain. Emma tried to take her shirt off but had to settle for putting her hair in a pony tail to keep cool instead. Ha ha. It was nice getting out of the house tho. Plus we made some new friends too so that's always fun.
I've been gone all day but my house is still trashed. Guess I better clean up a little before Nick comes home.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I thought it was FALL?!
Posted by Amie at 3:13 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
I'm blaming the rain.
Today I'm blaming the rain. Blaming it for my blah mood, my incredible laziness, my inability to want to get off the computer today, the reason my kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes and the laundry is still piled up to the ceiling and I just don't care, and also for the fact that I just want to crawl into a hot cup of coffee and hide. It feels nice to put all the blame on something else. Even if it's just for the day. Afterall, it really doesn't rain here very often. I've got to take advantage of it when i can.
Posted by Amie at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
28 and counting...
Today I am 28 years old. Seriously!? I still can't believe I'm 28! I mean, wasn't I 18, like, just the other day?? Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.
My parents took me (and Meghan) out for lunch. I was in the mood for some Mexican food so we went to a place called Garcia's. It was really tasty, and I'm STILL full. I didn't even have to wear the huge "Birthday Sombrero" either! Our waiter said that they were understaffed, so there wasn't enough people to sing to me. Talk about my lucky day. I still got my free fried ice cream dessert, and got to eat it without being embarrassed first. It's the small things in life that make me smile. Hahaha.
Other than that, it's been a pretty laid back day. I've got to be to work VERY early in the morning and I'm hoping to be able to get to bed at a decent time. I have a looooong day ahead of me tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised if I work 12 or 13 hours tomorrow. KILL ME NOW!
Posted by Amie at 3:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
New adventures
Meghan and I have been buying all sorts of fun tools over the last few weeks. We bought a scroll saw, hand sander, a dremmel tool, and all sorts of other odds and ends. We are hoping to start making some crafty things, or maybe to just make our old things look neat. Meghan heard about a little craft fair thingy that is going on in November where you rent a table and sell your stuff. Well we are thinking about doing it. I say thinking because thus far we haven't made anything that's sellable. lol. I'm sure this should be interesting. I'm looking forward to it. We turned my back room into our very own little workshop. We even crafted a work table out of an old door and some 2x4's I had laying around. It's fun, and we hide back there as much as possible! Hopefully soon we'll have some cool homemade things to show off. I'm excited.
Posted by Amie at 6:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September's here!
Sheesh. Where has the time gone? Lately I feel like my days are all blurring into one! I still can't believe that it is already September, school has started again, and it's finally starting to feel like fall outside. Ethan is in 4th grade this year. Yes, you heard right... 4th grade!!! If that doesn't make me feel old, nothing will. I still remember when we brought him home from the hospital like it was just yesterday. He was just this sweet, sleepy, 4 pound little person, and I was scared as heck! He's definitely growing up too fast. Makes me sad, but it's really neat to see how he's changed over the past year. I mean... just look for yourself.

Other news.. Emma started going to preschool. She misses kindergarten by only a month or so! The school system here in Utah is so different than it is in Illinois. I was really upset that they wouldn't just let her go to kindergarten anyway. She is definitely ready so that would be a problem. She can write all of her letters, and even spell some smaller words all by herself. Lately she has started to sound out the letters too! She's so smart. She will be reading here in no time. Makes me mad that she can't be in school.
Well my kids keep saying that they are hungry, so I better get in the kitchen and figure something out for dinner. Nick should be on his way home from work too. I'll write again soon.
Posted by Amie at 4:22 PM 0 comments