Sheesh. Where has the time gone? Lately I feel like my days are all blurring into one! I still can't believe that it is already September, school has started again, and it's finally starting to feel like fall outside. Ethan is in 4th grade this year. Yes, you heard right... 4th grade!!! If that doesn't make me feel old, nothing will. I still remember when we brought him home from the hospital like it was just yesterday. He was just this sweet, sleepy, 4 pound little person, and I was scared as heck! He's definitely growing up too fast. Makes me sad, but it's really neat to see how he's changed over the past year. I mean... just look for yourself.

Other news.. Emma started going to preschool. She misses kindergarten by only a month or so! The school system here in Utah is so different than it is in Illinois. I was really upset that they wouldn't just let her go to kindergarten anyway. She is definitely ready so that would be a problem. She can write all of her letters, and even spell some smaller words all by herself. Lately she has started to sound out the letters too! She's so smart. She will be reading here in no time. Makes me mad that she can't be in school.
Well my kids keep saying that they are hungry, so I better get in the kitchen and figure something out for dinner. Nick should be on his way home from work too. I'll write again soon.
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