Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My favorite month

October is my favorite month and it's FINALLY here! There is so much fun stuff going on this month. Elliot turns 3 on the 13th and Emma turns 5 on the 14th! We are going to have a big birthday bash for them. I'm thinking about having a Halloween themed birthday party for them this year. Maybe the girls can all dress up as princesses and the boys as pirates. (or something like that) I will have to talk to the kids and see what they think. I'm also thinking about having another big Halloween party again this year. Last year we had one and it was so much fun. Everyone came dressed up, we had scary decorations, lots of good food, a few games, and a costume contest. I want to do it again. AND... I was thinking it would be a lot of fun to take everyone out to the Haunted Hallow. We went there a few years ago and it was totally fun, and scary! (It's a big haunted forest that's all set up outside) Of course that would have to be an adult thing because my kids would be to creeped out. Maybe we can to to a pumpkin patch and hay ride with the kids instead. Lagoon is having their Frightmares going on this month too. I've always wanted to go and this year we have season passes! Yay! I'm excited. Plus, there's also costumes to think about. I better get started on those. I think Ethan wants to be a warewolf, Emma wants to be a vampire, and Elliot... well I think he wants to be Link (from Zelda) again but I'm trying to talk him into being something different. We'll see how that goes haha. Nick said he wants to be Legolas (from Lord of the Rings) so that should be funny! As for me... I have NO idea. I'll have to come up with something good. Maybe I'll do something funny like an 80's punk rocker, or maybe something scary like a witch... I'm not sure.

Anyway... I'm totally rambling now so I will quit. I've got tons of laundry I should be doing anyway.



Julia said...

I'm really excited that it's October too, but kind of freaked out at the same time! But I love decorating for Halloween and I love the fall time, not that we get that here. The girls decided they both want to be cats, and we have their costumes all ready to go. We decided that Evan will be a pirate, I bought a cute shirt a few weeks ago that has a skull on it and with his hair we figured he'd be a great little pirate. I'm going to get an orange shirt and paint a pumpkin on my belly. Not sure what Jayson is going to do but we still have time.

Wish we could come to your party, the pictures from last year looked like it was a lot of fun! Have fun planning stuff!

Sarah said...

I want to come! To all of it! We are having a Halloween party here the Saturday before Halloween. I'm so excited to get everything decorated and scary. Arthur can get cheaper tickets to Lagoon through Melaleuca. It would be really fun to do that together with the kids. Let me know when you are going and maybe we can go too.

Sarah said...

I want to go!!