Right now I'm hiding. I put my headphones in my ears and turned up the volume so I can't hear anything but the music. Even though the kids have come to bug me a million times I'm still determined to sit here and listed to my music! Today has been a little stressful. I woke up to Elliot whining because he wanted candy for breakfast (which of course I said no) and because him and Mason were fighting over a video game. Then on top of that Ethan lied to me the night before about having his homework done (which of course it wasn't) so was I extremely frustrated because he just wanted me to give him all the answers instead of taking the time to think about it and he was whining and arguing with me about how it was too hard for him. THEN, Nick started to get on MY case because I was irritated and arguing with the kids too much!!!! Sheesh. Talk about a morning from hell. All I want is to wake up in the morning without having people all up in my face! Sometimes it feels like everyone needs 100 things from me all at the same time. Hello... I'm only one person people! And there is only so much drama and stress I can handle before I blow up. Blow up or cry. Which is what I did this morning. There's nothing like starting out your day with a bunch of people yelling at you and then crying your eyes out all before 8 a.m!
OK, well I've been hiding for a pretty long time. I guess I better go peek at the kids just to make sure nobody is bleeding or anything.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I want to be Oblivious!
Posted by Amie at 5:11 PM 4 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
10 years!
OK, so I had a post all written out about Nick and I's little weekend getaway for our 10th wedding anniversary but then my computer decided to take a shit and I lost it all! UGH! So, instead of writing it all out again I guess I'll just give you the short version.
We rented a condo up in the Ogden Canyon at the Lakeside Village.It had a hot tub and a gorgeous view of the mountains and the reservoir.
It was very peaceful and we had a blast! I think we both were sad that we couldn't stay longer.
It's hard to imagine that we really have been married for 10 years already! Wow! Crazy.
Sadly, I didn't get very good pictures but at least you can get the idea from these.
It was a much needed break. We felt totally secluded, which was nice. We never even saw any other people the whole time we were there. Well, except for the lady who came to give us clean towels and scared the crap out of Nick. Ha Ha. We were out on the back deck so we didn't hear her knock and when we came inside she gave Nick a heart attack. It was funny.
Well, there you have it. My shortened version of my lost post.
Posted by Amie at 6:58 PM 1 comments