Thursday, January 3, 2008


I've been going to school since October to be a certified nurses assistant (CNA). I'm all done with the book work part, and now I'm working on finishing my clinical hours. I have to complete at least 24 hours, which I am doing in three 8-hour days. I had my first day last Saturday. I didn't really have any expectations going into it, I just really (secretly) didn't want to be put in the Dementia hall. I don't have anything personal against the people there, I just thought it would be too sad for my first day. I got there right at 6:00 am, and Cheryl (the lady in charge of us students) gave me the tour. It is a pretty big place, so I instantly felt nervous. After the tour she assigned me to another CNA who worked there (who just so happened to be working the Dementia hall that day, go figure!) and I pretty much just followed her around all day like a little puppy dog and helped when she needed me to. It really wasn't hard, just SAD! Those sweet people don't even know what is going on! The whole time they just sit, or lay there either smiling or sleeping and totally oblivious. We tried talking to them, but they were just too confused to answer back most of the time. During breakfast and lunch we had to help a few of them eat. Their minds just were so far gone that they had forgotten how to do something as simple as work a fork. It was such an interesting (although sad) day, and I really learned a lot. I have to go back tomorrow again, and I wonder where they will put me this time. I'm hoping for something different, (like the rehab hall) only because I really want to see how other areas are. I plan to get a job when I get my certification and I'd like to know the areas I'd like to stay away from, and the ones I think I could handle. If I'm being completely honest... I really don't want to be a CNA for very long. I want to be an RN and work in OB/GYN or Plastic and Reconstructive surgery. But, that will take a while since it's a lot more school. At least this CNA stuff will give me the kick in my pants that I need to keep with it!

Well, I've got to get up (as Heather says) at the "Inner Anus of Dawn" so I better get to bed! HAHAHA! Heather, you make me laugh.



sammi said...

Hope you have a good day tomorrow!
in any job we always have to start from the bottom but the good news is you dont want to stay there and you have gotten to this point already and im sure will make your way through the rest easily.

~M said...

i'm so proud of you! have i mentioned that before?...well its true and i think you are great, an insipation to all of us SAHMs everywhere! (ok, maybe just me but i'm trying to put a little weight behind my compliment!) good luck with the rest of your clinicals and before you know it you'll ba all done with school and all your kids will be IN school! :) keep at it chicka!

Anonymous said...

hahah I try I try!!! Hope it went well today! I want to hear all about it. ;)
Someday you'll look back fondly at your days in the dementia ward. maybe..hey im trying here.