Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Have you ever had one of those mornings you wish you could rewind and do over, or change it somehow? My morning, spent crying and being angry, is NOT one of those mornings. I am actually glad for this morning. Without going into too much detail, I'll just say that in just one short day I've learned a lot about myself and a lot about some other people in my life. I've learned that if someones heart and intentions aren't in the right place, it just wasn't meant to be. I've also learned that you have to fight for the things you want. Now, saying that, it puts me in a little dilemma. (hence the reason for the crying and anger this morning) Do I take the high road, move on with a smile and bury the anger, letting it eat me up inside? Or do I act on my emotions and speak my mind, risk hurting someone else but feeling better myself? I know my intentions are good. I'm not an evil person. I would rather me feel hurt inside, than to know that someone else is hurting because of something I said or did.

I Guess I just answered my own question.


sammi said...

First off I would say it depends on the situation when it comes to family and your kids you tend to do things or not say things even if its eating you up inside that sometimes comes with the mom/ wife title but its usually not that bad. I would say the situation that you should speak up about is when it effects your family or kids and makes you feel like crap all around. I mean usually when you keep things bottled up family wise in the end its because it makes your family happy which in turn can make you happy. That being said I don't think you should say anything in any situation utill you cool off and have a day to kind of reflect. This would be my advice it may sound weird but I hope you get what I mean.

Amie said...

Thanks Sammi. I understand you, and appreciate your advise. :)