Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Bad things come in 3's

It all started with a broken fridge. Well, defroster fan to be exact. I had to throw most of my food in the garbage, and what little I could save I took over to Heather's house to store in her fridge. Next, my oven won't heat up. The broiler and stove work fine. I just can't bake anything, which makes it hard to come up with dinner most nights. Then, last night after dinner (spaghetti, since I can make that on the stove top) I'm trying to clean up and notice that my water won't get hot. Turns out my hot water heater is leaking all over the place and so today we had to get that replaced! UGH! When will this stop?! All of this has happened within the last month and a half. Nick's Mom always talked about the "Milner Curse" but I just assumed that it was all just a bunch of bull. Well I am starting to think she was on to something. I keep hearing "Welcome to Home Owning". Is this what it's like the whole time you own your own home? Shit always breaking, and you standing there going "DUUUHHH. Um, what do I do??" It's pretty annoying.

As much as I complain, I still would NEVER go back to living in an apartment, or having an annoying landlord. No thank you!

I just hope that this bad luck is going to stop and give Nick and I a little while to catch our breath, and to catch up on bills. UGH! I hate money.


sammi said...

bad things come in three but it seems that money is always one thing going wrong at all times. Its always the lack of it lol. I would say with our luck with money its time we get to win the lottery or something. Things will get better I would say we haev summer to look forward to but we saw how today with so Im going to say lets look forward to my birthday j/k Lets just say that everyone is happy for the most part and healthy and we have good friends. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

H said...

AMEN!!! Money is a pain in the ass!!! Hopefully shit is done breaking and you can just ENJOY the coming summer..i dont care if its snowing now..summer IS coming!