Monday, May 26, 2008

Minds Made Up

I probably shouldn't write tonight but Nick is in bed and I'm bored. I should be in bed too, but I'm not ready just yet. To tell you the truth I'm completely exhausted. Sometimes I wish I wouldn't let people get to me. I wish I could just say "To hell with it" and not care as easily as some other people can. Water under the bridge, right? Well, it's hard for me. I don't like saying goodbye to someone who I once loved and shared a close friendship with. I don't like leaving things unsaid, or unexplained. I don't like constantly feeling upset. In this matter I really don't have a choice. Minds have already been made up, feelings have already been hurt, and mean things have already been said. The only thing I can do is to learn, grow, and move on. Definitely not a happy, or easy, thing to do in this situation, but not the end of the world either.

OK. I'm ready for bed now. Night.


Julia said...

Seems like you've got a lot going on in your life right now, with this blog and the blog that Nick posted. I hope that you guys are doing okay and things are getting back to normal for you. I learned an important lesson about people with all the stuff I had to deal with when I was on the PTA, the main thing I learned was if people are miserable, they will find a way to make you miserable too. I know that you made a post about this, but it is so true. They'll say things totally untrue to make you feel just an ounce of the pain they are going through. You're a good person and you don't deserve to be hurting like this. Remember that and I hope that you feel better soon. :)

Amie said...
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