Monday, May 19, 2008

Always be yourself

Maybe I'm having my pre-midlife crisis, or maybe I'm finally just doing what I've always wanted to do, but lately it seems like I've been doing some things my parents would call "irresponsible" or just plain "stupid". Well, I say everyone has the right to their opinions, but honestly, I just don't care! I don't care if people don't like that I have tattoos or that I just got my nose pierced. I don't care if someone doesn't like what I'm wearing, or that I like to dye my hair crazy colors sometimes! I am just happy being ME! Love me or hate me. I figure the people who love me are the ones I love too. The people who hate me don't know me anyway.

It really feels good to finally be able to be myself. I really want my kids to grow up feeling like they can be who they are, not who someone thinks they should be. I also want them to accept other people for who they are, and not to be so quick to judge.

"It's okay to be YOUnique"


sammi said...

I dont think your having a pre- midlife crisis. I think your just finally being comfertable being you and doing the things YOU want to do and not caring about being judged. Its YOUR life and you should be able to do the things that make you happy. Yeah sometimes people might think its a little crazy but I say as long as no one gets hurt and its not something you would keep from your kids then its really not that big of a deal. I know I want mason to grow up having respect for authority but also pursuing things that make him happy and not worry about what would someone say. ITS YOUR LIFE and YOUR CHOICE!

H said...

wow AMEN